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Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative

. . . bringing technology to you

AT Messenger Logo - Bringing Technology to You

Vol. 1, Issue 3, Nov/Dec 1993

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Annual Conference Wrap-Up

The second annual DATI Conference "Assistive Technology: More Power to You! proved to be an exciting, informative, and challenging meeting for all that attended. Clayton Hall's Exhibit Area was abuzz with augmentative communication devices, adapted bicycles, robotic arms, accessible toys and games—even a mechanical mimicking parrot! Conference registrants took advantage of interesting sessions that focused on the use of assistive technology in leisure activities like gardening, woodworking, music, and sports. Guest presenters from the state projects in Minnesota and New York offered insight into what was happening in their respective programs. And the current hot issues of a tight economy and health care reform led to packed sessions on funding alternatives for assistive technology!

The two-day conference concluded with a Consumer Advocacy Workshop in which assistive technology access issues were discussed. Participants identified five areas in which advocacy efforts should concentrate: outreach, funding, networking, training, and policy change. The group agreed that people in the community must take responsibility for spreading the word about assistive technology resources and opportunities. Attendees also recognized the value in rallying around issues like health care reform to ensure that disability issues are not overlooked. Anyone interested in getting a written summary of the meeting can do so by calling the DATI Central Site.

This year's attendance boasts a 25% registration by consumers (those with disabilities and their family members) and a record number of 27 exhibitors. All materials were available in Braille, large print, and audiotape formats.

Thanks to all of you who attended as registrants, exhibitors, presenters, volunteers, or caregivers! We were thrilled with the turn-out — and are looking forward to meeting and hearing from even more of you next year! So make a note now to look for the third Annual DATI Conference to be held in the fall of 1994. See you there!

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